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$100,000,000 RAISED!

Forward in Faith - The Campaign for Concordia came to an historic close on December 31, 2020. 康科迪亚家族感谢你,最重要的是, 感谢上帝赐予康考迪亚学生们丰富的祝福. 超过1万名捐赠者参与了这项活动,推动我们远远超过了8500万美元的活动目标. To God be the Glory!

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Forward in Faith

Dear Friends of Concordia University Irvine,

Ever since its humble beginnings in 1976, 康考迪亚大学忠实地期待着上帝为这所大学所做的计划. 我们记得,七年前,欧文(Irvine)一座尘土飞扬的山丘上只有一座建筑,我们大胆地走了出来 Forward in Faith 一场8500万美元的筹款活动准备将康科迪亚推向全国,并使其能够以更有效的方式完成使命.

有上帝坚定的指引,康科迪亚的未来是光明的! 这就是为什么我们个人致力于为学生提供最好的康考迪亚体验. With your generous support, the impact of Forward in Faith will be felt for years. 通过你的慷慨,信仰前进运动使康考迪亚得以

build new facilities
strengthen academic resources
sustain top notch co-curricular programs
increase scholarship support, and

该运动的愿景是大胆的:不仅要改变校园, but also its students and God’s Kingdom. 今天,我们大胆而自豪地回应:“你做到了。!“康科迪亚不仅筹集了8500万美元,我们还超过了它. In fact, we passed that milestone in January 2020, before the pandemic hit, and despite COVID-19, 2020 continued to be a stellar fundraising year! At the conclusion of the campaign, Forward in Faith raised $100,000,000 through cash gifts, pledges, and estate gifts. Thanks be to God.

Campaign Goal - $85 Million

Campaign Total - $100 Million

感谢上帝的恩典和十多人的慷慨支持,000 donors, 康科迪亚号在2020年1月超过了目标,并继续创造了破纪录的一年. 超过40,000份礼物,超过10,000名捐赠者,影响了今天和后代的数千人的生活.

Music, Worship & Theology building renderings

Borland-Manske Center

Music, Worship & Theology Building

$30M Goal - $29M Raised

The Borland-Manske Center, 由音乐翼和基督学院翼组成, 于2019年开放,是一个学生和教师装备和启发的空间,带领上帝的人民在音乐中, worship, and theology.

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NCAA D2 Sports

Giving Student-Athletes a Competitive Advantage

Eagle Athletics

$4M Goal - $4M Raised

2017年,康考迪亚大学完成了向NCAA二级联赛的过渡. 给我们的学生运动员最好的体验, and the competitive advantage, 大学对CU体育馆进行了重大改进, baseball facilities, and track and field, with more to come…

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Academic Support & Student Experience

Learning in the Classroom and Beyond

Academic Support & Student Experience

$8M Goal - $11M Raised

Learning doesn’t always happen in a classroom. 课外项目支持全面的学生体验, 丰富他们的学术生活,为学生提供雇主想要的实践经验和技能.

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Annual Fund

Securing the Concordia Experience

Annual Fund

$14M Goal - $15M Raised

投资年度基金使康考迪亚能够灵活地将您的捐款直接用于最需要的地方-通过学生援助使我们的学生受益, technology, lab equipment, research opportunities and much more!

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Endowment Funds Sustain Concordia’s Mission

Endowment & Estate Gifts

$29M Goal - $41M Raised

An endowment funds your passion in perpetuity. 捐赠基金每年的投资收益用于资助学生, research initiatives, academic pursuits, technology, 学生经历-或投资者希望长期支持的其他计划. 大约一半的资金来自现金捐赠,另一半来自遗产捐赠,将在未来得到资助.

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